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Cambridge Histories Online (CHO)


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Online-Service mit Zugang zu über 100, größtenteils mehrbändigen, grundlegenden Darstellungen und Nachschlagewerken des Verlages Cambridge University Press zur britischen und amerikanischen Geschichte, zur europäischen Geschichte, zur Geschichte des Nahen Ostens, Chinas, Japans, Afrikas und Lateinamerikas, zur Literaturgeschichte, Musikgeschichte, Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Religions- und Philosophiegeschichte sowie zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften.

Die Sammlung umfasst über 420 Bände mit einem Gesamtumfang von 250.000 Seiten. Die Sammlung kann – wahlweise als Gesamtpaket mit jährlichen Updates oder in einzelnen thematischen oder regionalen Sammlungen – dauerhaft erworben. Darüber hinaus können sämtliche Titel einzeln auf der Cambridge Core-Plattform bezogen werden. Updates: zweimonatlich. Updates: monatlich. Jährlicher Zuwachs: ca. 10 Bände.

Siehe auch Cambridge Core: Evidence Based Acquisition (EBA)

Cambridge Histories Online (CHO)


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Verlag :: Publisher

Cambridge University Press

Preis :: Price

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Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information

First published in 1902, the Cambridge Histories is a globally respected series of over 300 volumes spanning fifteen subject areas across the humanities and social sciences, with a concentration on political and cultural history, literature, philosophy, religious studies, music and the arts.

Presenting history as a continuous and evolutionary process, the Cambridge Histories offer a big picture perspective in each subject area, making them essential reading for anyone researching or studying a subject that has an historical element.

This site allows instant access to the renowned texts of the Cambridge Histories series, searchable by author, title and subject. Continually updated with new volumes taken from the print series as soon as they become available, this collection represents an impressive breadth and depth of scholarship that offers an unmatched resource for today's historians.

Key Features:

  • First published in 1902, the Cambridge Histories series now contains over 420 volumes, equating to around 250,000 pages of unrivalled scholarship
  • Unlimited concurrent users, meaning any number of readers can access the resource simultaneously
  • Covers multiple academic subjects across the humanities and social sciences
  • eBooks are accessible via all devices and will automatically adjust to allow easy reading on your preferred device
  • Content searchable via metadata and fulltext
  • Easy navigation to the content you need at book and chapter levels
  • Individual chapters available in PDF to download and print
  • Users have the ability to save their searches and content to their bookmarks for easy access at a later date
  • Extensive bibliographic reference functionality; fully referenced content with all references displayed, OpenURL compliant and linked online through CrossRef

Available sub-collections

  • American history
  • Ancient history and classical studies
  • Asian history
  • British and European history
  • Literature
  • Middle East and African studies
  • Music and theatre
  • Philosophy and political thought
  • Religion

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