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Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioural Sciences


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Hrsg. v Robert A. Scott und Stephen M. Kosslyn


Inhalt :: Content

Dynamisches Online-Referenzwerk mit derzeit mehr als 400 Essays führender und aufstrebender Wissenschaftler aus den sozial- und verhaltenswissenschaftlichen Disziplinen. Durch das stetige Hinzukommen neuer Aufsätze aus relevanten Themenfeldern der aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Forschung entsteht die Möglichkeit, aufkommende Trends in den Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften auf verschiedenen Analyseebenen und aus unterschiedlichen disziplinären Perspektiven heraus zu betrachten. Ein Peer-Review gewährleistet einen hohen qualitativen Anspruch der Beiträge.

Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioural Sciences

Verlag :: Publisher

Wiley-Blackwell (Blackwell Publishers)

Preis :: Price

Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request

Das Angebot richtet sich nicht an Verbraucher i. S. d. § 13 BGB und Letztverbraucher i. S. d. PAngV.



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Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information

Emerging Trends is an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and curious readers of the behavioral and social sciences. A mountain of information is produced daily in these fields, so much that committed academics have a hard time making sense of it. Yet it is imperative that we are aware of and understand the current state of our knowledge about the world. Emerging Trends is assembled with the help of experts who are adept at extracting key points, presenting complex ideas clearly, and making connections among seemingly disparate ideas for non-expert audiences, so they have ready access to succinct, up-to-date knowledge on specific topics from an easy to navigate reference that enables them to discover information, often from other disciplines, that they did not know existed or even know they should be aware of, much less know how to find.

Each essay in this collection of over 400 is drawn from the core social and behavioral sciences disciplines of anthropology, economics, political science, psychology and sociology and contains a summary of what is presently known about the topic and identifies promising areas for future research. Hyperlinks accompany each essay, which direct readers to other relevant essays in Emerging Trends; these essays present different aspects and points of view on the topic and often rely on different levels of analysis. The result is a unique tool for learning about developments in our fields, an intelligent, interdisciplinary, multi-dimensional, user-friendly, "smart" system of cross-referencing applied to important topics of study.

Emerging Trends will promote interdisciplinary and multi-layered awareness on key topics by directing readers' attention to aspects of topics that readers will likely never have heard of or thought about (much less know how to find). To do this, dense layers of hyperlinks have been created, connecting each essay with others that focus on other facets of the topic, often written by authorities from different fields of study and disciplines. Readers are strongly urged to explore these hyperlinks in order to expand their own thinking about topics that interest them.

Key Features

  • Each essay in this collection of over 400 is drawn from the core social and behavioral sciences disciplines of anthropology, economics, political science, psychology and sociology
  • Hyperlinks accompany each essay, which direct readers to other relevant essays in the collection
  • Promotes interdisciplinary and multi-layered awareness on key topics
  • Designed to grow organically with additional essays from relevant disciplines, Emerging Trends provides both an up-to-date resource for current scholarship and an opportunity to shape the trajectory for research and study in the coming decades

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