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Iraq 1914-1974 (The Middle East Online: Series Two)


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Sammlung von wichtigen Dokumenten der britischen Regierung, Diplomatie und Kolonialverwaltung zur Politik und Verwaltung des neuen irakischen Staates von der Besetzung durch britische Truppen im Ersten Weltkrieg bis zum Aufstieg Saddam Husseins mit einem Gesamtumfang von über 133.000 Seiten. Die Datenbank ermöglicht den Zugang zu Originalquellen aus dem britischen Kabinett, dem Außen-, Kolonial- und Kriegsministerium, zu Verträgen, Unterlagen aus dem Waffen- und Ölgeschäft, fotografischen Sammlungen, Kartenmaterial etc. Insgesamt knapp 70.000 Seiten aus dem Nationalarchiv in London sind in Volltextsuche recherchierbar.

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Gale Cengage

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Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request

Das Angebot richtet sich nicht an Verbraucher i. S. d. § 13 BGB und Letztverbraucher i. S. d. PAngV.

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Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information

Iraq, 1914-1974 presents British government and diplomatic documents -- dispatches, monthly and annual reports, minutes, official correspondence and other primary source documents -- covering the political and administrative history of the modern state which has emerged from the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia.

Selected by Dr. Charles Tripp, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, these documents cover the political history of Iraq in the 20th century, from the outbreak of World War I to the emergence of Saddam Hussein as a leading member of the revolutionary Ba'ath party in the 1970s.

Major events covered include:

- The war in Mesopotamia and the capture of Baghdad in 1917

- Introduction of the British Mandate and the installation of King Faisal in 1921

- Independence and Iraq's membership in the League of Nations in 1932

- Coups d'etat in the 1930s and 1940s

- The Baghdad Pact of 1955 and the military coup of 1958 leading to the establishment of a republic

- Oil concessions and the threat to Kuwait

- The rise of Ba?athism and Saddam Hussein

- The USSR-Iraq Treaty of Friendship in 1972

- Iran-Iraq relations

Chosen substantially from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office files in the National Archives, London, this collection provides essential support to historical research and education on the Middle East and will also appeal to those with an interest in economics, politics and peace studies.

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