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Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry III


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A Review of the Literature 1995-2007

Hrsg. v. Christopher Ramsden, Eric Scriven und Richard Taylor


Inhalt :: Content

Standardnachschlagewerk zur heterozyklischen Chemie mit über 250 Übersichtsartikeln zu Eigenschaften, Struktur, Synthese, Reaktivität und Anwendungen der wichtigen heterozyklischen Ringsysteme. Dieses umfassende Werk ist eine völlig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Fassung, die auf Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry I und II aufbaut und diese komplettiert.
Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry III ist so aufgebaut, dass es als Einzelwerk verwendet werden kann, aber auch in Verbindung mit den beiden Vorgängerausgaben. Der Online-Ausgabe liegt die 2008 veröffentlichte, 15-bändige Printausgabe zugrunde.

Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry III

Verlag :: Publisher

Elsevier Science

Preis :: Price

Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request

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Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information

Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry III (CHEC-III) is a new 15-volume reference work which provides the first point of entry to the literature for all scientists interested in heterocyclic ring systems. Since publishing in 1984, Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry (CHEC) has become the standard work on the subject, indispensable to all serious readers in the interdisciplinary areas where heterocycles are employed. CHEC-III builds on and complements the material in CHEC and CHEC-II and is designed to be used both alone and in conjunction with these two works. Written by leading scientists who have evaluated and summarized the most important data published over the last decade, Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry III will be an invaluable addition to the reference library of those working with heterocyclic ring systems.


For academic, industrial and government scientists working in chemical, biological, pharmaceutical, medicinal and natural product research, together with teachers and advanced students interested in the formation (synthesis) and transformation of heterocyclic ring systems.


CHEC III is organized in 15 Volumes and closely follows the organization used in the previous edition:

Volumes 1 and 2:

Cover respectively three- and four-membered heterocycles, together with all fused systems containing a three- or four-membered heterocyclic ring.

Volume 3:

Five-membered rings with one heteroatom together with their benzo- and other carbocyclic-fused derivatives.

Volumes 4, 5 and 6:

Cover five-membered rings with two heteroatoms, and three or more heteroatoms, respectively, each with their fused carbocyclic compounds.

Volumes 7, 8 and 9:

Dedicated to six-membered rings with one, two, and more than two heteroatoms, respectively, again with the corresponding fused carbocylic compounds.

Volumes 10, 11 and 12:

Cover systems containing at least two directly fused heterocyclic five- and/or six-membered rings: of these Volume 10 deals with bi-heterocyclic rings without a ring junction heteroatom, and Volume 11 deals with 5:5 and 5:6 fused rings systems with at least one ring junction nitrogen, while Volume 12 is devoted to all other systems of five and/or six-membered fused or spiro heterocyclic rings with ring junction heteroatoms.

Volumes 13 and 14:

Seven-membered and larger heterocyclic rings including all their fused derivatives (except those containing three- or four-membered heterocyclic rings which are included in Volume 1 and 2, respectively).

Volume 15:

Author, ring and subject indexes.

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