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Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict


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Second edition

Hrsg. v. Lester Kurtz


Inhalt :: Content

Umfassendes Nachschlagewerk zur Gewalt-, Friedens- und Konfliktforschung mit über 200 interdisziplinären Beiträgen von führenden, internationalen Fachwissenschaftlern. Zu den behandelten Themenbereichen gehören u.a. Waffenkontrolle, Friedensbewegungen, Kindesmissbrauch, Terrorismus und politisch motivierte Morde. Die Konfliktforschung hat ein weitreichendes Anwendungsgebiet und kann bei Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Staaten oder Volksgruppen ebenso eingesetzt werden wie auf der Ebene des einzelnen Individuums. Der Online-Ausgabe liegt die 2008 in 2. Auflage veröffentlichte, 3-bändige Printausgabe zugrunde.

Verlag :: Publisher

Elsevier Science

Preis :: Price

Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request

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Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information

The second edition of the "Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict" provides timely and useful information about antagonism and reconciliation in all contexts of public and personal life. Building on the highly-regarded first edition (1999) and publishing at a time of (seemingly) inexorably increasing conflict and violent behaviour the world over, the 'Encyclopedia' is an essential reference for students and scholars working in the field of peace and conflict resolution studies, and for those seeking to explore alternatives to violence and share visions and strategies for social justice and social change. Covering topics as diverse as arms control, peace Movements, child abuse, folklore, terrorism, and political assassinations, the 'Encyclopedia' contains over 200 multi-disciplinary articles with plentiful cross-references and hundreds of suggestions for further reading. In the preface to the first edition the Editor-in-Chief wrote; 'The problem of violence poses such a monumental challenge at the end of the 20th century that it is surprising we have addressed it so inadequately. We have not made much progress in learning how to cooperate with one another more effectively or how to conduct our conflicts more peacefully. Instead, we have increased the lethality of our combat through revolutions in weapons technology and military training. "The Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict" is designed to help us to take stock of our knowledge concerning these crucial phenomena.' Things have certainly not improved in the intervening years and the need for the balanced and informed approach taken by the contributors to the 'Encyclopedia' seems greater than ever. It includes more than two hundred multi-disciplinary articles in a three-volume set with many brand new articles alongside revised and updated content from the first edition. An article outline and glossary of key terms begin each article and entries arranged alphabetically for easy access. These articles were written by more than two hundred eminent contributors from around the world.


Area coverage

Ethical, Cultural, Historical

Cultural Studies, Ethical & Religious Studies, Historical Studies


Criminology, Education, Public Policy Studies, International Relations, Peace & Conflict Studies, Warfare & Military Studies

Psychological & Biomedical

Biomedical Studies, Psychological Studies, Public Health

Social Sciences

Anthropological Studies, Communications Studies, Economic Studies, Political Studies, Sociological Studies


Undergraduates, graduates, and professors in the social, life, and physical sciences. Government, non-profit, and commercial organizations whose work involves peace and aggression.

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