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Rinascimento Italiano / Italian Renaissance Paintings Archives


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Bilddatenbank mit hoch aufgelösten Digitalisaten von über 8.000 Kunstwerken von rund 500 Künstlern der italienischen Renaissance.

Rinascimento Italiano / Italian Renaissance Paintings Archives

Verlag :: Publisher

C12 Éditions

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Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request

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Scala in Florence, with its 50-year history and the biggest printed art archive in Italy, has put all its energy into creating this digital art archive, published around the world simultaneously in four languages: English, French, Italian and Japanese. From the second half of the thirteenth century through to the early seventeenth century, 506 artists took an active part in what is widely termed the Italian Renaissance. Their main art works here contain 8000 art pieces in all, which displayed with a maximum of 10,000 by 7,500 pixels (more than 20 times the resolution of high vision) represent the absolutely highest definition that can be seen.

It is as if everything appears right there before your eyes. You can see such detail that even the touches of the brush strokes are visible.

The art historian Roberto Longhi is known to have concluded upon seeing the angel above the right shoulder that Masolino's masterpiece, Madonna and Child with St. Anne, in the Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, had in fact been painted by Masaccio.

Using the enlarged digital image we can indeed recognize that the angels on the left and right are the work of two different hands. The one on the right reveals the strong touch of Masaccio, with its flowing locks of hair and a momentary flash of light. According to Longhi, this one art piece represents a transformation in the quality of art, signalling its great leap into the Renaissance.

With the latest technology, a new window opens into art appreciation and research. From cracks that have appeared over the years, it is possible to decipher not only the way art pieces have been preserved, but also the drawing techniques that existed at the time.

Compare Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa (Musée du Louvre) and Filippo Lippi's Madonna and Child with Two Angels (Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence).

One can observe each of the images, enlarge the places in the paintings with the greatest detail, and set them side-by-side for comparison. Lippi's Madonna reveals a relatively deep vertical crack in the area from the brow to the forehead. Accordingly, the contraction of the surface of the painting is clearly visible with the passage of time because it has affected the paint deep beneath the surface, and thus definitely seems in need of fixing. On the other hand, Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa displays a number of cracks around the cheeks and forehead, but these are relatively much smaller, more variable and expand radially. Of course, the Mona Lisa's surface coating of paint has shrunk. Even so, compared to Lippi's work, the Mona Lisa does not reveal deep cracks.

The question then is where these differences come from. Simply put, it is not just a question of preservation. The Mona Lisa's complex cracking shows us that during the painting process, the paint was applied in layer after layer. This so-called Sfumato painting style thus reveals that Leonardo da Vinci must have been inquiring into the effects of light.

This DVD series of digital images of course contains a view of each work of art as well as various other options.

You can find the art pieces immediately by selecting them from the list of artists, and you can also get all the information about that particular art piece and the artist. What we have also done is to develop a special viewfinder with an extraordinary zoom capability. It allows smooth transitions when focusing on the smallest detail and enlarging it from within the art piece as a whole.

Enlargement indicator (CXZ Viewer)

When you click on the art piece's "zoom" button, it enables the CXZ Viewer (extremely high resolution viewfinder) that has been specially developed for the DVD series. The viewer allows you to see fine details of the paintings themselves, as well as details of the brush strokes. The way the paint has been applied is effortlessly revealed before your eyes. Functions also allow the sharpness to be adjusted and the images to be rotated, giving observers the capability to analyse the art pieces to the maximum, and displayed within the controller are the names of the art pieces and other such information. In addition, several windows can be opened simultaneously to compare different works of art.

The ability to allow such smooth transitions while enlarging allows, for the first time, the discovery of things about the artists' real intentions or the true value of the works.

Page containing a list of artists

By rolling a mouse over an artist's name, a list of their masterpieces is displayed, and by clicking on any masterpiece you can jump to a list of pages containing all their works.

List of pages containing all the artist's works

The page displays art pieces by the selected artist. By rolling a mouse over a thumbnail, it will indicate the title of the art pieces and the groups to which they belong. By clicking on them, you can jump to a page displaying details of the art pieces.

Details of the art pieces

A preview image of the art piece comes up, the group to which it belongs, its title, the name of the detailed parts of the work (where applicable), its area and city, and any other artists involved in the work (where applicable). Also, by viewing the art group with its thumbnails at the top of the page, you can use the controller to freely observe the items within it.

Slideshows and biographies

It is possible to see all the art works by the artists in the form of a slideshow. There are also biographies of the main artists.


All the art pieces can be printed out in A4, and you can use them as a record for study (any pictures printed out contain a digital watermark).

Publication Schedule and Content

  • BOX 1
    Dalle origini della pittura italiana all'invenzione della visione prospettica
    From the Origins of Italian Painting to the Invention of Perspective

    DVD1: La nascita della pittura The origins of painting
    DVD2: Giotto Giotto
    DVD3: Giotteschi fiorentini The Florentine followers of Giotto
    DVD4: I Senesi The Sienese Painters
    DVD5: Il nord Italia 1 Northern Italy 1
    DVD6: Il centro e il sud Italia 1 Central and Southern Italy 1
    DVD7: Il gotico internazionale The International Gothic
    DVD8: La nascita del Rinascimento The birth of the Renaissance

  • BOX 2
    L'affermazione e la diffusione del linguaggio del Rinascimento
    The Consolidation and Spread of the Renaissance

    DVD1: Il primo quattrocento fiorentino 1 The early 15th Century in Florence 1
    DVD2: Il primo quattrocento fiorentino 2 The early 15th Century in Florence 2
    DVD3: Piero della Francesca e i seguaci Piero della Francesca and followers
    DVD4: Perugino e Pinturicchio Perugino and Pinturicchio
    DVD5: Siena e Arezzo Siena and Arezzo
    DVD6: Il secondo quattrocento fiorentino 1 The late 15th Century in Florence 1
    DVD7: Il secondo quattrocento fiorentino 2 The late 15th Century in Florence 2
    DVD8: Il centro e il sud Italia 2 Central and Southern Italy 2

  • BOX 3
    La grande stagione del Rinascimento
    The Epic Season of the Renaissance

    DVD1: Venezia nel quattrocent Venice in the 15th Century
    DVD2: Il nord Italia 2 Northern Italy 2
    DVD3: Leonardo e Milano, l'Emilia Romagna Leonard and Milan, Emillia Romagna
    DVD4: Raffaello e la scuola Romana Raphael and the Roman School
    DVD5: Michelangelo e Firenze all'inizio del '500 Michelangelo and Florence in the Early 16th Century
    DVD6: Venezia nel primo '500 Venice in the Early 16th Century
    DVD7: Firenze - prima metà del '500 Florence in the Early 16th Century
    DVD8: Firenze - seconda metà del '500 Florence in the Later 16th Century

  • BOX 4
    Dalla crisi della Maniera al Naturalismo
    From the Crisis of Mannerism to Naturalism

    DVD1: Il nord Italia 3 Northern Italy 3
    DVD2: Venezia nella seconda metà del '500 1 Venice in the Later 16th Century 1
    DVD3: Venezia nella seconda metà del '500 2 Venice in the Later 16th Century 2
    DVD4: La pittura emiliana del '500 Emilia Romagna in the 16th Century
    DVD5: La pittura a Siena nel '500 Siena in the 16th Century
    DVD6: I Carracci e la corrènte classicista The Carraccis and the Classicists
    DVD7: Roma prima e dopo Caravaggio Rome, Before and After Caravaggio
    DVD8: Le relazioni del rinascimento italiano con l'Europa The Italian Renaissance and Europe

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