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Mirabile - Archivio digitale della cultura latina medievale


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Digital Archives for Medieval Latin culture


Inhalt :: Content

Online-Service mit Zugang zu einschlägigen Fachbibliographen, Referenzwerken und Fachzeitschriften zur mittellateinischen Philologie und zur Kultur und Geschichte des lateinischen Mittelalters. Das Portal umfasst Medioevo latino (MEL), eine rund 250.000 Nachweise umfassende Fachbibliographie zur abendländischen Mediävistik mit Schwerpunkt auf den philologischen Teildisziplinen, Bibliotheca Scriptorum Latinorum Medii recentiorisque Aevi (BISLAM), eine rund 15.000 Einträge umfassende Autorennamen-Normdatei zur lateinischen Literatur der Zeit von 500 bis 1500 mit detaillierten bio-bibliographischen Angaben und Verweisen auf ausgewertete Nachschlagewerke und Quellen sowie zu den entsprechenden Einträgen in "Medioevo Latino", Compendium Auctorum Medii Aevi (CALMA), ein rund 3.000 Einträge umfassendes bio-bibliographisches Nachschlagewerk zu Autoren und Werken der mittellateinischen Literatur sowie Medioevo Musicale, eine Spezialbibliographie zur Musikkultur des Mittelalters vom 5. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert.
Enthalten sind ferner mehrere, im Verlag Edizioni del Galluzzo erscheinende Fachzeitschriften zur Philosophie der Spätantike und des Mittelalters, zur mittellateinischen Philologie, zur Hagiographie, zur mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Ikonographie (Riviste) sowie Beiträge aus Sammelwerken (Miscellanee) zu den Bereichen Mittellateinische Philologie und Italienische/Romanische Philologie.
Sämtliche Titel können einzeln oder im Paket bezogen werden. Updates: laufend.

Mirabile - Archivio digitale della cultura latina medievale

Verlag :: Publisher

SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo

Preis :: Price

Tutti i repertori (Medioevo Latino + BISLAM + CALMA + MEM)

Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request

Riviste (Journals)


Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request

Einzelne Zeitschriften

Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request


Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request

Preise für Bezieher von Mirabile: Tutti i repertori und Mirabile: Medioevo Latino (MEL) auf Anfrage

Das Angebot richtet sich nicht an Verbraucher i. S. d. § 13 BGB und Letztverbraucher i. S. d. PAngV.

Bestellnummer bei digento :: digento order number


Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information

SISMEL has decided to take advantage of the tools offered by new technologies to make its collection of repertories and journals available online:


Bibliographical Bulletin of European Culture from Boethius to Erasmus (VI-XV centuries) This well known annual bibliography in print form, bringing together the preceding year's research in medieval studies, is the result of systematic and exhaustive culling of monographs, journals, and bulletins concerning medieval Latin culture, in particular, and medieval culture and history, in general. The bulletin, which at the moment catalogs more than 250,000 bibliographic entries, in large part abstracts of content (distinguishing it from other bibliographies), has been published in hard copy since 1980, becoming over the years a point of reference for scholars of the Middle Ages. A sophisticated search engine makes it possible to do simple and advanced searching throughout the entire database, which is continually revised and updated.

BISLAM - Bibliotheca Scriptorum Latinorum Medii recentiorisque Aevi

This project, now ten years old, consists of the most complete repertory of medieval Latin authors. The aim, in fact, is to cover the period in which Western European literature was produced exclusively, or in large measure, in Latin, but also, in keeping with the choices made for «Medioevo latino», to extend into the early Renaissance including a considerably larger number of authors than existing repertories. At the moment, BISLAM contains more than 15,000 names (with more than 80,000 variants of these). The repertory consists of a list of different names by which the authors were and are known, in addition to identification and bibliographic information.

CALMA - Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi (500-1500)

This bibliographic repertory, begun in 2000, contains at the moment more than 3,000 entries on medieval Latin authors from the 6th to the 16th century and gives the canon of their works with essential information on the manuscripts in which they were passed down and relevant bibliography. For each author the repertory provides:

- an entry containing general bibliography, with the citation of specialized repertories, national and international reference lexicons, general manuals, and various

- studies on single authors and a list of their works, including those of uncertain authenticity (indicating for each the reference repertory or repertories, edition or editions, manuscripts, and specific studies).

MEM - Medioevo Musicale

«Medioevo musicale», created by the musical section Matilde Fiorini Aragone of the Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, is an effective bibliographic tool that plugs a gap in the musicologic area. It is furnished with an exhaustive discographic section and its aim is to give periodically an accurate picture of the studies about the musical culture in the Middle Ages, between the 5th and the 15th centuries.

In addition to the above, the following prestigious Journals published by Edizioni del Galluzzo are also available online:

Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale (I.1, 1990 - )
An International Journal on the Philosophical Tradition from Late Antiquity to the Late Middle Ages


Filologia mediolatina (I, 1994 - )

Studies in Medieval Latin Texts and their Transmission


Hagiographica (I, 1994 - )

Journal of Hagiography and Biography


Iconographica (I, 2002 - )

Journal of Medieval and Modern Iconography


Itineraria (I, 2001 - )

Travel Accounts and Knowledge of the World from Antiquity to the Renaissance


Micrologus (I, 1993 - )

Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies


Stilistica e metrica italiana (I, 2001 - )


The subscription allows to access to all the essays in PDF format included in the selected Area that at the moment are available on Mirabile and to the miscellany volumes that will be added every year.

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