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World War II, Occupation, and the Civil War in Greece, 1940-1949: Records of the U.S. State Department Classified Files


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Online-Service mit Zugang zu bisher unter Verschluss gehaltenen Dokumenten des U.S. State Department zur politischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Entwicklung Griechenlands von 1940 bis 1949. Im April 1941 begannen deutsche und italienische Truppen im Verbund mit bulgarischen Einheiten den Angriff auf das griechische Festland. Die Bevölkerung war bis zum Abzug der Besatzungstruppen im Oktober 1944 schlimmen Repressalien ausgesetzt. Infolge des Machtvakuums nach dem Abzug der Besatzungstruppen kam es zu einem bis 1949 andauernden Bürgerkrieg, der ebenfalls schlimme Auswirkungen auf die Zivilbevölkerung hatte. Umfang: 85.413 Seiten.

Verlag :: Publisher

Gale Cengage

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Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request

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Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information

World War II, Occupation, and the Civil War in Greece provides an insightful look at Greece in political, economic and social ruin at the end of the war and the emergence of a postwar Greek conflict that rivaled the war years. In addition, there is much discussion of the American aid program that determined the political and economic configuration of Cold War-era Greece.

The Axis occupation of Greece during World War II brought about terrible hardships. Hundreds of thousands of civilians died of starvation, Jews and other minorities were deported to concentration camps and ethnic cleansing attempted to eradicate generations of residents. When liberation came in October 1944, Greece was in economic and social crisis, which led to civil war.

Scholars of European and Slavic studies, human rights, political history, international government and the Cold War will find an unmatched selection of digitized primary source documents, including translations of speeches, memoranda, official reports and transcripts of political meetings.

This collection presents the raw primary perspective on the political, economic and social development of post-liberation Greece, including the Greek Civil War crisis and the implementation of America's Truman Doctrine in the eastern Mediterranean.

Documents include:

- Special reports on political and military affairs, particularly U.S. military aid to Greece, the Cold War and the Churchill-Stalin Percentage Issue

- Studies and statistics on socioeconomic matters

- Interviews and minutes of meetings with foreign government officials

- Full texts of important letters, instructions, and cables sent and received by U.S. diplomatic personnel

- Voluminous reports and translations from foreign journals and newspapers

- Countless translations of high-level foreign government documents, including speeches, memoranda, official reports, and transcripts of political meetings and assemblies

Date Range: 1940-1949

Content: 85,413 pages

Source Library: U.S. National Archives

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