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New Pauly Supplements Online I / Der neue Pauly Supplemente Online I


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Hrsg. v. Hubert Cancik, Manfred Landfester und Helmuth Schneider


Inhalt :: Content

Online-Service mit Zugang zu den ersten sieben Supplementbänden des "New Pauly Online / Der neue Pauly Online" der im J.B. Metzler Verlag erschienenen deutschsprachigen Originalausgabe und in der bei Brill veröffentlichten englischen Übersetzung:

Band 1:

Herrscherchronologien der antiken Welt: Namen, Daten, Dynastien

Band 2:

Geschichte der antiken Texte. Autoren- und Werklexikon

Band 3:

Historischer Atlas der antiken Welt

Band 4:

Rezeptions- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Register zu den Bänden 13-15/3 des Neuen Pauly

Band 5:

Mythenrezeption: Die antike Mythologie in Literatur, Musik und Kunst von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart

Band 6:

Geschichte der Altertumswissenschaften. Biographisches Lexikon

Band 7:  

Die Rezeption der antiken Literatur - Kulturhistorisches Werklexikon

Auf aktuellem Wissens- und Forschungsstand bereichern die Supplementbände die enzyklopädische Darstellung des Maßstäbe setzenden Großwerks zur Antike um neue, vertiefende Fakten und Zusammenhänge jenseits der alphabetischen Lemmatisierung und erneuern damit ihrerseits die Fundamente von Archäologie und Altorientalistik über Byzantinistik, Kunst und Literaturwissenschaft, Philosophie und Philologie bis zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte.

New Pauly Supplements Online I / Der neue Pauly Supplemente Online I

Verlag :: Publisher

Brill Academic Publishers

Preis :: Price

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New Pauly Supplements Online II / Der Neue Pauly Supplemente Online II

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Brill's New Pauly Supplements Online I / Der neue Pauly Supplemente Online I brings together 6 major reference works for study of the ancient world and its reception in later centuries, including the acclaimed Historical Atlas of the Ancient World. Ranging from comprehensive lists of rulers and dynasties that made their mark on history to the biographies of scholars throughout the ages who shaped our knowledge of the classics.

Brill's New Pauly Supplements Online will comprise the following titles English and German Language:


1. Chronologies of the Ancient World

edited by Walter Eder and Johannes Renger

From the Mesopotamian kings in around 3000 BC to the Bishops and Patriarchs of Late Antiquity, this title lists all rulers and dynasties that made their mark on ancient history.

2. Dictionary of Greek and Latin Authors and Texts

edited by Manfred Landfester

This reference work gives a clear overview of authors and major works of Greek and Latin literature, and their history in written tradition, from Late Antiquity until present: papyri, manuscripts, Scholia, early and contemporary authoritative editions, translations and comments.

3. Historical Atlas of the Ancient World

edited by Anne Wittke, Eckhart Olshausen and Richard Szydlak

This new atlas of the ancient world illustrates the political, economic, social and cultural developments in the ancient Near East, the Mediterranean world, the Byzantine Empire, the Islamic world and the Holy Roman Empire from the 3rd millennium BC until the 15th century AD.

4. The Reception of Myth and Mythology: Classical Mythology in Literature, Music and Art

edited by Maria Moog-Grünewald

Following the structure of the Classical Tradition volumes of Brill's New Pauly this title highlights the routes and works through which the myths of Greece and Rome have passed into the cultural memory of Europe over the centuries, into its literature, music and art and its reflections on aesthetics and philosophy.

5. The Reception of Classical Literature: A Cultural-Historical Handbook

edited by Christine Walde in cooperation with Brigitte Egger

The broad-ranging articles in this volume present the reception and transformation of the most important Greek and Latin texts in literature, art and music from antiquity up to modern times, taking popular culture, film and comics into account.

6. The History of Classical Scholarship: A Biographical Dictionary

edited by Peter Kuhlmann and Helmuth Schneider.

Features and Benefits

  • Links to related entries in Brill's New Pauly Online
  • Basic and advanced searched
  • Open URL
  • A biographical listing of over 700 scholars

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