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Encyclopedia of Creativity


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2nd Edition 2011

Hrsg. v. Mark A. Runco und Steven R. Pritzker


Inhalt :: Content

Internationale Fachenzyklopädie zum Themenbereich Kreativität als Objekt wissenschaftlicher Beschäftigung in verschiedenen Disziplinen, darunter Psychologie, Kunst und Geisteswissenschaften, Gesundheitswissenschaften, Pädagogik und Wirtschaft, in denen die Erforschung kreativer Prozesse und ihre Beherrschbarkeit und Berechenbarkeit zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt. Behandelt werden u.a. Themenbereiche wie Kreativität und Bildung, kognitive Aspekte der Kreativität, wirtschaftliche und organisatorische Kreativität, Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Gesellschaft und Kreativität, persönliche und zwischenmenschliche Kreativität. Sämtliche Beiträge sind mit umfangreichen Querverweisen und weiterführenden Literaturhinweisen versehen. Der Online-Ausgabe liegt die 2011 erschienene, 2-bändige Printausgabe, hrsg. von Mark A. Runco und Steven R. Pritzker unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachwissenschaftler, zugrunde.

Encyclopedia of Creativity

Verlag :: Publisher

Elsevier Science

Preis :: Price

Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request

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Bestellnummer bei digento :: digento order number


Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information

When the first edition of The Encyclopedia of Creativity was published in 1999, creativity research had become broad and important enough to be treated as a legitimate field of scientific study. Now creativity research is being conducted throughout the world in many different disciplines including psychology, arts and humanities, health sciences, education, and business. This global interest is reflected in the number of authors throughout the world who have contributed to this edition.

Key Features

  • Serves as a compendium of reviews of a number of domain-specific areas, such as acting, dance, expressive arts, film, food, music, religion, science, sports, theater, and writing.
  • Creativity and education are examined in articles about thought processes, such as developmental trends in creative abilities and potentials, the enhancement of creativity, intelligence, knowledge, play, prodigies, programs and courses, talent and teaching creativity.
  • Cognitive aspects of creativity can be investigated in articles about altered and transitional states, analogies, attention, cognitive style, divergent thinking, flow and optimal experience, metacognition, metaphors, problem-finding, problem-solving, and remote associates.
  • Covers business and organizational creativity in articles about advertising with art, creative visuals, business/management, creativity coaching, creativity exercises, entrepreneurship, group dynamics, innovation, leadership, organizational culture, organizational development, teams, and training, among others.
  • Explicitly examines the complex interrelationship between society and creativity in articles about awards, conformity and conventionality, the creative sector and class of society, cultural diversity, the dark side of creativity, East vs. West, networking, social psychology, war, zeitgeist, and others.
  • Personal and interpersonal creativity is discussed in articles relating to collaboration, family, life stages, mentors, networking, personal creativity and self-actualization.
  • Focuses on scientific information about creativity, there are also articles that discuss brain and neuropsychology, concepts of creativity, definitions of creativity, expertise, longitudinal studies, researching art, artists and art audiences, research methods, phenomenology research and qualitative research.
  • Online version contains an additional 26 biographies of famously creative people not contained in the print version


The encyclopedia is designed for use by students of creativity, as well as researchers, teachers, scientists, coaches and consultants, architects and designers, trainers, managers, actors, writers, directors, painters and other individuals in the creative arts, inventors, therapists and other professionals who utilize creativity in their work.

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