The Senses. A Comprehensive Reference |
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2nd Edition Hrsg. v. Bernd Fritzsch |
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Inhalt :: Content Umfassendes, internationales Referenzwerk mit 160 ausführlichen Überblicksbeiträgen von international anerkannten Fachwissenschaftlern zur Anatomie, Physiologie und Molekularbiologie der menschlichen Sinnesorgane und die Verarbeitung von Sinnesinformationen im Gehirn. |
Verlag :: Publisher Elsevier Science |
Preis :: Price Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request |
Das Angebot richtet sich nicht an Verbraucher i. S. d. § 13 BGB und Letztverbraucher i. S. d. PAngV. |
ISBN/ISSN 978-0-12-805408-6
102260112 |
Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference, Second Edition, is a comprehensive reference work covering the range of topics that constitute current knowledge of the neural mechanisms underlying the different senses. This important work provides the most up-to-date, cutting-edge, comprehensive reference combining volumes on all major sensory modalities in one set. Offering 160 chapters from a distinguished team of international experts, The Senses lays out current knowledge on the anatomy, physiology, and molecular biology of sensory organs, in a collection of comprehensive chapters spanning 4 volumes. Topics covered include the perception, psychophysics, and higher order processing of sensory information, as well as disorders and new diagnostic and treatment methods. Written for a wide audience, this reference work provides students, scholars, medical doctors, as well as anyone interested in neuroscience, a comprehensive overview of the knowledge accumulated on the function of sense organs, sensory systems, and how the brain processes sensory input. As with the first edition, contributions from leading scholars from around the world will ensure The Senses offers a truly international portrait of sensory physiology. The set is the definitive reference on sensory neuroscience and provides the ultimate entry point into the review and original literature in Sensory Neuroscience enabling students and scientists to delve into the subject and deepen their knowledge. View less > Key Features
Readership Upper undergraduate level and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and all levels of faculty in neuroscience, psychology, and behavior and computer science applied to biology; neurologists, psychiatrists, anthropologists and ophthalmologists Table of Contents 1. Vision 2. Audition 3. Chemosenses: Olfaction and Taste 4. Somatosensation 5. Pain 6. Vestibular System and Balance 7. Mechanosensory Lateral Line, Electroreception, Magnetoreception |