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Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics


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Second Edition 2012

Hrsg. v. Ruth Chadwick, Vilhjálmur Árnason, Thomas Faunce, Alan Gillies, Søren Holm, Glenn McGee, Deborah Po, Martin Reynolds und Hub Zwart


Inhalt :: Content

Internationale Fachenzyklopädie mit über 370 ausführlichen, begutachteten Beiträgen zu den Problemfeldern der Angewandten Ethik und ihrer Teildisziplinen, welche zu den in den letzten 20 Jahren am stärksten expandierenden Teilgebieten der Philosophie zählen. Behandelt werden Fragen der Anwendung einzelner ethischer Prinzipien oder ethischer Norm- und Werttheorien auf konkrete Problemfälle und Konfliktsituationen in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen.
Neben grundlegenden Aspekten widmet sich das Werk ausführlich den verschiedenen Anwendungsgebieten der Angewandten Ethik, welche sich als selbstständige Teildisziplinen etabliert haben. Diese reichen von der Medizinischen Ethik, der Umweltethik und Tierethik über die Wissenschafts- und Technikethik, die Politische Ethik, die Rechtsethik und die verschiedenen Berufsethiken bis hin zur Wirtschaftsethik.
Sämtliche Beiträge sind mit umfangreichen Querverweisen und weiterführenden Literaturhinweisen versehen. Der Online-Ausgabe des Nachschlagewerks liegt die 2012 erschienene, 4-bändige Printausgabe, hrsg. von Ruth Chadwik unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachwissenschaftler, zugrunde.

Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics

Verlag :: Publisher

Elsevier Science

Preis :: Price

Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request

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Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information

The Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, Second Edition is an all-encompassing reference work providing a comprehensive and definitive review of the field. The four-volume set includes detailed investigations of historical and theoretical material including topics from the award-winning first edition published in 1998, plus topics on issues that were not or only just barely on the horizon. In addition to the areas in which particular issues arise, it is still essential for those engaged in applied ethics to reflect on what is being ‘applied.' The work includes a number of articles on ethical and philosophical approaches, historical and contemporary, religious and secular.

A broad and inclusive table of contents ensures detailed investigation of historical and theoretical material as well as in-depth analysis of current issues. Led by an esteemed editorial board, Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, Second Edition is written not only by practitioners in the particular fields in question; but by academics from disciplines such as law and economics.

Key Features

  • Concise entries (ten pages on average) provide foundational knowledge of the field
  • Each article features suggested readings pointing readers to additional sources for more information, a list of related websites, a 5-10 word glossary and a definition paragraph, and cross-references to related articles in the encyclopedia
  • The 376 chapters are divided into 4 volumes, each chapter falling into a subject category including Applied Ethics; Bioethics; Computers and Information Management; Economics/Business; Environmental Ethics; Ethics and Politics; Legal; Medical Ethics; Philosophy/Theories; Social; and Social/Media
  • Newly expanded editorial board and a host of international contributors from the US, Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Sweden, and the United Kingdom


Undergraduate and graduate students in psychology and the beha-vioral sciences, as well as researchers in various psychological subdisciplines and psychiatry; the encyclopedia is also useful for the lay public who may have an interest in topics related to human behavior.

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