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Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health


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1st Edition 2023

Hrsg. v. Bonnie Halpern-Felsher


Inhalt :: Content

Das Referenzwerk bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Kinder- und Jugendforschung sowie Einblicke in die künftige Ausrichtung des Fachgebiets. Die enthaltenen Themen sind nach dem biopsychosozialen Modell gegliedert, das ursprünglich 1977 von George L. Engel entwickelt wurde, um die Komplexität zwischen biologischen, psychologischen und sozialen Faktoren zu verstehen.
Die Abschnitte behandeln die Entwicklung des Gehirns, Genetik, Hormone, Ernährung, Bewegung, körperliches Wachstum und Pubertät. Der zweite Band befasst sich mit psychologischen und verhaltensbezogenen Entwicklungen, die Themen wie Emotionen, Achtsamkeit, Stress, Depression, Bewältigungsfähigkeiten, kognitive Entwicklungen, Entscheidungsfindung und Trauma umfassen. Der letzte Band konzentriert sich auf die sozialen und umweltbedingten Einflüsse, die kulturelle Einflüsse, Familie, Schule, soziale Medien und Gleichaltrige umfassen.
Der Online-Ausgabe liegt die 2023 veröffentlichte, 3-bändige Printausgabe zugrunde.

Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health

Verlag :: Publisher

Elsevier Science

Preis :: Price

Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request

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Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information

Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health, Three Volume Set provides the most current research on childhood and adolescent health and development. Topics included are uniquely organized using the Biopsychosocial Model, originally developed by George L. Engel in 1977, to help understand the complexity between biological, psychological and social factors. According to the Biopsychosocial Model, health is determined by the reciprocal interactions between biology (e.g., genetics, physical development, family health history), psychology (e.g., mental health, identity developmental, attitudes), and social (e.g., family, peers, school, social supports) factors. Sections cover brain development, genetics, hormones, nutrition, exercise, physical growth and puberty. The second volume continues with psychological and behavioral developments which contain topics on emotion, mindfulness, stress, depression, coping skills, cognitive developments, decision-making and trauma. The last volume concentrates on the social and environmental influences which comprise cultural influences, family, school, media social media, and peers.

Key features

  • Presents a comprehensive review of current child and adolescent research, along with critical insights into the future direction of the field, including translation and prevention
  • Includes concise, authoritative chapters that are expertly authored make this an easy-to-read, reliable reference resource
  • Provides a clear thematic structure that allows for easy exploration across the discipline's different sub-fields.
  • Helps readers find their topics of interest, all of which are contextualized and linked to relevant literature


Graduate, postgraduate students, research professionals, and scientists in psychiatry, psychology, genetics, neuroscience and sociology focusing on the development of children and adolescents. Practitioners is pediatrics and adolescent medicine. Trainees, research professionals and scientists in related disciplines

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