Encyclopedia of Analytical Science |
Kontakt/Bestellung |
3rd Edition Hrsg. v. Paul Worsfold, Alan Townshend, Colin Poole und Manuel Miró |
Online |
Verlag :: Publisher Elsevier Science |
Preis :: Price Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request |
Das Angebot richtet sich nicht an Verbraucher i. S. d. § 13 BGB und Letztverbraucher i. S. d. PAngV. |
ISBN/ISSN 978-0-08-101984-9
Bestellnummer bei digento :: digento order number 10226095 |
Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information The third edition of the Encyclopedia of Analytical Science is a definitive collection of articles covering the latest technologies in application areas such as medicine, environmental science, food science and geology. Meticulously organized, clearly written and fully interdisciplinary, the Encyclopedia of Analytical Science provides foundational knowledge across the scope of modern analytical chemistry, linking fundamental topics with the latest methodologies. Articles will cover three broad areas: analytical techniques (e.g., mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography, atomic spectrometry); areas of application (e.g., forensic, environmental and clinical); and analytes (e.g., arsenic, nucleic acids and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), providing a one-stop resource for analytical scientists. Key Features
Readership Academics, researchers and students at undergraduate level and above including analytical chemists, biomedical researchers, earth scientists, environmental scientists, spectroscopists, forensic scientists, food scientists and technologists, pharmacologists and toxicologists, physicists. Within industry, biochemists, biologists and biotechnologists will also be interested Table of Contents