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Comprehensive Chemometrics: Chemical and Biochemical Data Analysis


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Hrsg. v. Steven D. Brown, Romà Tauler und Beata Walczak


Inhalt :: Content

Umfassendes, internationales Nachschlagewerk mit über 90 ausführlichen Beiträgen zu Grundlagen, Verfahren und Anwendungsfeldern der Chemometrik. Die Disziplin befasst sich mit der Anwendung chemometrischer, d.h. mathematischer und statistischer Methoden, um zum einen in optimaler Weise chemische Verfahren und Experimente zu planen, zu entwickeln oder auszuwählen. Zum anderen kann mit chemometrischen Methoden ein Maximum an problembezogenen Informationen aus experimentellen Messdaten extrahiert werden.
Das Referenzwerk behandelt u.a. Themenbereiche wie statistische Versuchsplanung und Optimierung, statistische Aspekte der Probennahme, Signalnachweis und -behandlung, multivariante Datenanalyse und Kalibration (Methoden zur Datenvorbehandlung, Clusteranalyse, Klassifikationsverfahren und faktorielle Methoden), Methoden des Soft Modeling wie genetische Algorithmen, neuronale Netze und die PLS-Regression. Der Online-Ausgabe liegt die 2009 veröffentlichte, 4-bändige Printausgabe zugrunde.

Comprehensive Chemometrics

Verlag :: Publisher

Elsevier Science

Preis :: Price

Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request

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Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information

Comprehensive Chemometrics is a new 4-volume work that pulls key information into a single source for quick access to answers and/or in-depth examination. The content is available in print and online via ScienceDirect, the latter of which offers optimal flexibility, accessibility, and usability through anytime, anywhere access to multiple users and superior search functionality.

Since its emergence nearly 40 years ago, chemometrics research has provided scientists from across the disciplines with techniques for chemical instrumentation and measurement on the one hand, and statistical and computational theory on the other. Rapid changes in technology mean the field is ever-evolving; it is critical for the researcher to stay on top of these changes, applying knowledge from current literature and up-to-date techniques to his or her work.

This authoritative reference brings together a global team of authors to provide the basic and advanced information necessary for scientists to analyze and interpret chemical and biochemical data - and for chemical engineers, medicinal chemists, statisticians, and others to turn research findings into tangible results for use in a range of applications and industries.

Key Features

- Presents and explains each technique - including its merits and limitations - through introductions, detailed reviews, and extensive full-color illustrations

- Provides a global perspective on this rapidly evolving field, with contributions from authors around the world, working in both academia and industry

- Offers two content delivery options - print and online - the latter of which provides anytime, anywhere access for multiple users and superior search functionality via ScienceDirect


Scientists, students, and statisticians concerned with chemical and biochemical data analysis.

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