Comprehensive Membrane Science and Engineering |
Kontakt/Bestellung |
Hrsg. v. Enrico Drioli und Lidietta Giorno |
Online |
Inhalt :: Content Umfassendes, interdisziplinäres Nachschlagewerk mit Beiträgen von führenden internationalen Fachwissenschaftlern zu zentralen Themen der Membranwissenschaft und -technologie, von den grundlegenden Phänomenen bis hin zu den fortschrittlichsten Anwendungen und Zukunftsperspektiven der Disziplin. Abgedeckt werden theoretische Aspekte, Anwendungen und ökonomische Aspekte der Membrantechnologie, die sich über die letzten Jahrzehnte zu einer anerkannten Trennungstechnologie entwickelt hat. Der Online-Ausgabe liegt die 2010 erschienene, 4-bändige Printausgabe zugrunde. |
Verlag :: Publisher Elsevier Science |
Preis :: Price Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request |
Das Angebot richtet sich nicht an Verbraucher i. S. d. § 13 BGB und Letztverbraucher i. S. d. PAngV. |
ISBN/ISSN 978-0-080-93250-7 Bestellnummer bei digento :: digento order number 106930 |
Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information This multivolume work covers all aspects of membrane science and technology--from basic phenomena to the most advanced applications and future perspectives. Modern membrane engineering is critical to the development of process-intensification strategies and to the stimulation of industrial growth. The work presents researchers and industrial managers with an indispensable tool toward achieving these aims. Key features - Up to date authoritative source of information on membranes and their applications - Includes contributions from internationally well-known experts as well as from younger up-and-coming experts from around the world - Unique multidisciplinary character, its main goal being to cover in depth all the various aspects of membrane science and technology - Includes numerous case studies - Covers all theoretical, application and economic aspects of membrane technology Contents Book 1: Basic aspects of membrane preparation and their transport phenomena - Role and function of biological membranes - Role and function of artificial and synthetic membranes - Fundamentals for transport phenomena in membrane - Basic aspects for polymeric and inorganic membrane preparation - Membrane characterization Book 2: Membrane operations in molecular separations - Reverse osmosis: fundamentals, membrane materials and structure, transport mechanism, applications - Nanofiltration: fundamentals and driving forces, membrane materials and structure,transport mechanism, applications - Ultrafiltration: fundamentals, membrane materials and structure, transport mechanism, applications - Microfiltration: fundamentals, membrane materials and structure, transport mechanism, applications - Gas separation: fundamentals, membrane materials and structure, transport mechanism, applications - Pervaporation: fundamentals, membrane materials and structure, transport mechanism, applications - Dialysis: fundamentals, membrane materials and structure, transport mechanism, applications - Electrodialysis: fundamentals, membrane materials and structure, transport mechanism, applications Book 3: Catalytic membranes and catalytic membrane reactors (CMRs) - The principles of coupling a separation process with a catalytic reaction - Catalytic membranes: polymeric, inorganic and hybrid (materials and methods to heterogenize/confine a catalyst by membrane technology) - Biocatalytic membrane reactors and submerged membrane bioreactors (MBRs) - Pervaporation membrane reactors - Membranes and membrane reactors in artificial organs - Modelling of catalytic membranes and CMRs - Main industrial applications of CMRs (oxidation, dehydrogenation, hydrogenation reactions, etc.) Book 4: Membrane contactors and integrated membrane operations - Basic principles of membrane contactors - Membrane strippers/scrubbers and membrane extractors - Supported liquid membranes - Membrane distillation - Osmotic distillation - Membrane crystallizers - Membrane emulsifiers - Phase transfer catalysis - Membrane materials and structures for membrane contactors - Modules for membrane contactors applications - Integrated membrane operations in various industrial sectors - Case studies Audience Academic and industrial researchers working in the area of membranes and their application: wastewater, desalination, adsorption, catalysis, etc., process engineers in separation science, membrane scientists, biologists and biochemists, consultants and environmental scientists |