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Zoology Online


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Hrsg. v. Wilfried Westheide, Günter Purschke, Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa, Matthias Glaubrecht, Stefan Richter, Niels P. Kristensen, Rolf G. Beutel, Harald Schliemann und Martin Fischer


Inhalt :: Content

Online-Service mit Zugang zum kompletten Archiv des international renommierten "Handbuchs der Zoologie - eine Naturgeschichte der Stämme des Tierreiches", begründet von Willy von Kükenthal, von 1923 bis zum letzten, 2010 erschienenen Band mit einem Gesamtumfang von rund 28.000 Seiten. Das Werk bietet eine fundierte Darstellung des gesamten Tierreichs von den Wirbellosen bis zu den Säugetieren.
Sämtliche Artikel der Printausgabe wurden nachträglich klassifiziert, wodurch der Zugang zu den Inhalten nicht nur über Autorennamen, Beitragstitel und Volltextsuchen ermöglicht, sondern auch über Taxonomische Kategorien und Artikelstichworte. Der zum Großteil deutschsprachige Grundbestand an Artikeln wird kontinuierlich aktualisiert und erweitert. Alle zukünftigen Artikel werden in Englisch verfasst und in der Datenbank bereits vor dem Erscheinen der Druckausgabe verfügbar sein. Updates: regelmäßig.

Zoology Online

Verlag :: Publisher

Walter de Gruyter

Preis :: Price

Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request

Das Angebot richtet sich nicht an Verbraucher i. S. d. § 13 BGB und Letztverbraucher i. S. d. PAngV.



Bestellnummer bei digento :: digento order number


Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information

Covering nearly 100 years of zoological research, the Handbook of Zoology represents a vast store of knowledge. But with the speed of scientific discovery in the past decades, a new format is required - online. Beginning in 2010 we will offer Zoology Online, a database which can be easily searched and rapidly updated to reflect the current state of phylogenetic knowledge. Faster publication times through online-first publication, reference linking, forward linking and multimedia presentations will make Zoology Online highly attractive to both users and authors. The original Handbook material (ca. 28 000 pages) has been reordered along taxonomic (instead of bibliographical) categories and forms the historical basis of the database. As a living database the content will be continuously updated and new content added. The material can be accessed through taxonomic and subject categories as well as free text, with a diversity of linking and search options. New and updated entries in 2010 from projects in progress will include Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Archaeognatha, Nannomecoptera, Neomecoptera, Dermaptera, Mantophasmatodea, Chelicerata, Malacostraca, Annelida, Nemathelminthes and Gnathifera and Mollusca followed later by fishes, reptiles and mammals.

Aims and Scope

Zoology Online aims to provide an in depth treatment of the entire animal kingdom from the lower invertebrates to the mammals. It publishes comprehensive overviews on animal systematics and morphology as well as extensive coverage of physiology, behaviour, ecology and applied aspects of zoological research. Although our knowledge regarding many taxonomic groups has grown enormously over the last decades, it is still the ambition of Zoology Online to be comprehensive in the sense that text and references together provide a solid basis for further research. Editors and authors seek a balance between describing species richness and diversity, explaining the importance of certain groups in a phylogenetic context and presenting a review of available knowledge and up-to-date reference literature. New contributions to the series present the combined effort of an international team of editors and authors, entirely published in English and explicitly addressing the international scientific community.


  • Zoology Online with continuously updated and new entries
  • Online-first publication of new material
  • Reference linking, forward linking and multimedia presentations
  • Comprehensive overviews on animal systematics and morphology as well as extensive coverage of physiology, behaviour, ecology and applied aspects of zoological research
  • International team of editors and authors
  • Publication language English (publication language of the historical entries German)

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