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Bloomsbury Medieval Studies


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Inhalt :: Content

Online-Service mit Zugang zu einer breiten Palette von über 150 Monographien, Primärquellen und Begleitmaterialien zur interdisziplinären Mittelalterforschung. Enthalten sind Veröffentlichungen von Bloomsbury und anderen, auf diesem Gebiet führenden Verlagen, wie IB Tauris, Arc Humanities Press und Amsterdam University Press. Ferner enthalten ist die "Encyclopedia of the Global Middle Ages", ein neues Online-First-Referenzwerk, das von einer internationalen Gruppe von Fachwissenschaftlern verfasst wird und thematische Übersichten, Analysen von Primärquellen und Fallstudien kombiniert.
Visuelle Quellen, darunter neu digitalisierte und seltene Inkunabeln aus der Senate House Library, hochauflösende mittelalterliche Karten aus der British Library und rund 1.000 Bilder aus dem Metropolitan Museum of Art ergänzen die Textressourcen. Updates: jährlich.

Bloomsbury Medieval Studies


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Verlag :: Publisher

Bloomsbury Publishing

Preis :: Price

Preise auf Anfrage / Prices upon request

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Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information

Bloomsbury Medieval Studies is a new interdisciplinary digital resource with a global perspective. It brings together high-quality secondary content with visual primary sources, a brand new reference work and pedagogical resources into one cross-searchable platform, to support students and scholars across this rich field of study.

Content Highlights

  • Fully-searchable access to a broad range of over 150 scholarly books including primary texts, research monographs, companions and more
  • Leading texts from Bloomsbury and other top publishers in the field such as IB Tauris, Arc Humanities Press and Amsterdam University Press
  • The Encyclopedia of the Global Middle Ages, a new and exclusive reference work written by an international group of scholars which combines thematic overviews, primary source analyses, and core case studies
  • Exceptional visual sources, including newly-digitized and rare incunabula from Senate House Library, high-resolution medieval maps from the British Library, and 1000 images from the Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • A growing selection of study resources curated by major scholars, to be expanded with each product update
  • An interactive timeline with a global focus which places image and text content from across the resource within their time and geographical region


  • Enhances research with a unique combination of global primary and second material, including visual sources to boost student engagement
  • Draws out regional interconnectivity and differences through the innovative and internationally authored articles in the Encyclopedia of the Global Middle Ages
  • Brings the period to life with material culture object images, illuminated manuscript pages and other artwork which deepen understanding and give substance to key themes
  • Supports undergraduate study across disciplines which focus on the medieval period, as a one-stop resource with a range of consolidated, searchable material

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