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Soviet Woman Digital Archive (1945-1991)


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Online-Service mit Zugang zu sämtlichen Ausgaben der illustrierten Zeitschrift "Soviet Woman" von 1945 bis 1991 im kombinierten Volltext- und Faksimileformat.

Die Zeitschrift sollte der antisowjetischen Propaganda entgegenwirken, indem sie dem westlichen Publikum den Lebensstil der sowjetischen Frauen, einschließlich ihrer Rolle beim Wiederaufbau der sowjetischen Wirtschaft nach dem 2. Weltkrieg, sowie ihre Leistungen in Kunst und Wissenschaft näher brachte.

Soviet Woman Digital Archive

Verlag :: Publisher

East View Information Services

Preis :: Price

Preise auf Anfrage / Prices on request

Das Angebot richtet sich nicht an Verbraucher i. S. d. § 13 BGB und Letztverbraucher i. S. d. PAngV.

Bestellnummer bei digento :: digento order number


Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information

Established in the aftermath of WWII in 1945, the magazine Soviet Woman proclaimed on the cover of its first issue its fundamental mission: "A magazine devoted to social and political problems, literature and art..." Published initially under the aegis of the of Soviet Women's Anti-Fascist Committee and the Central Council of Trade Unions of the USSR, it began as a bimonthly illustrated magazine tasked with countering anti-Soviet propaganda by introducing Western audiences to the lifestyle of Soviet women, including their role in the post-WWII rebuilding of the Soviet economy, and their achievements in the arts and the sciences. Originally published simultaneously in Russian, English, German and French, the magazine went on to add more foreign language editions aimed at reaching an even wider audience both in the West and elsewhere to balance the Western narrative about the Soviet Union in these countries with a pro-Soviet ideological counterweight.

Over the years the magazine developed regular sections covering issues dealing with economics, politics, life abroad, life in the Soviet republics, women's fashion, as well as broader issues in culture and the arts. One of its most popular features was the translations of Soviet literary works, allowing readers across the globe a peek inside the hitherto insular Soviet literary world. An important communist propaganda outlet, the magazine continued its run until the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

Soviet Woman Digital Archive

The Soviet Woman digital archive contains all obtainable published issues from the very first issue, comprising more than 500 issues and over 7,500 articles.

The Soviet Woman digital archive offers scholars the most comprehensive collection available for this title, and features full page-level digitization, complete original graphics, and searchable text, and is cross-searchable with numerous other East View digital resources.

Key Stats

  • Archive: 1945-1991
  • Language: English
  • Frequency: Monthly
  • City: Moscow
  • Format: PDF, article-based
  • Producer: East View Information Services
  • Platform: East View Universal Database

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