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The Augustus De Morgan Collection, Part 3:
Mathematics: Arithmetic, Analysis & Function, Tables, and Weights & Measures (1600-1871)


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Online-Service mit Zugang zu rund 240 zwischen dem 17. und dem 19. Jahrhundert gedruckten Exemplaren und Handschriften aus der Bibliothek des Mathematikers und Logikers Augustus De Morgan (1806-1871), die sich in der "Senate House Library" in London befindet.

Dieser Teil der Sammlung wird von Primärquellen über Arithmetik und Zahlen dominiert. Handbücher über praktisches Rechnen, Buchhaltung, Rechnungswesen, Währungsumtausch und Renten stehen neben zahlreichen Bänden mit Tabellen und Berechnungshilfen für alle möglichen numerischen Berechnungen: Logarithmen, trigonometrische Funktionen, Währungsumtausch, Zinssätze und Umrechnung von Gewichten und Maßen.

Enthalten sind auch parlamentarische Materialien zu den Reformen der britischen Maßeinheiten im frühen 19. Jahrhundert mit einschlägigen Gesetzesentwürfen, Protokollen ausgewählter Ausschüsse und Berichte von königlichen Kommissionen. Auf der eher theoretischen Seite enthält dieser Teil der Sammlung auch Ausgaben einiger klassischer Werke der "höheren Arithmetik" oder Zahlentheorie, darunter die dritte Ausgabe von Adrien-Marie Legendres "Théorie des Nombres" (1830) und eine französische Übersetzung von Carl Friedrich Gauß' "Disquisitiones Arithmeticae" von 1807.

The Augustus De Morgan Collection, Part 3

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Brill Academic Publishers

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The third part of The Augustus De Morgan Collection comprises 237 items, totaling more than 68,557 pages, printed between the 1600 and the 1871 from the library of the nineteenth-century mathematician and logician Augustus De Morgan (1806–1871), held at the Senate House Library in London. This part is of the collection is dominated by books on arithmetic and number. Manuals on practical reckoning, book-keeping, accounting, currency exchange and annuities sit alongside scores of volumes of tables and computational aids to assist all manner of numerical calculations: logarithms, trigonometric functions, currency exchange, interest rates, and conversion of weights and measures.

Parliamentary material relating to early 19th-century reforms of British units of measurement is also present, with a considerable number of relevant bills, select committee minutes and reports of Royal Commissions bound together. On the more theoretical side, this section of De Morgan's library also contains editions of some classic works in "higher arithmetic", or number theory, including the third edition of Adrien-Marie Legendre's Théorie des Nombres (1830) and an 1807 French translation of Carl Friedrich Gauss's Disquisitiones Arithmeticae. But dwarfing this in quantity are the numerous editions of textbooks on arithmetic, covering a period of over 250 years.


Augustus De Morgan, Elements of Arithmetic, trans. into Marathi (Bombay, 1850)

The publication of De Morgan's textbook in Bombay in the Marathi language demonstrates its influence and popularity. The book is rare. De Morgan's copy is one of just three recorded in British libraries.

Diophantus of Alexandria, Arithmeticorum (Paris, 1621, and Toulouse, 1670)

The Arithmetica by the late Greek mathematician Diophantus (c.280 C.E.) was one of the most important early works on the theory of numbers. Its publication in Latin by Claude Bachet in 1621 stimulated the interest of Pierre de Fermat and resulted ultimately in the birth of modern number theory. De Morgan's library contains both Bachet's original edition and Fermat's annotated version of it (issued posthumously by his son in 1670), both of which were published by Jesuit printers. Page 61 of the 1670 edition contains the first appearance in print of Fermat's tantalizing claim that he had discovered "a truly marvellous proof, which this margin is too narrow to contain". This famous assertion, which became known as Fermat's Last Theorem, remained unproved until 1995.

Isaac Newton, Arithmetica universalis (1707 et al.)

One of Isaac Newton's duties as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge was to lecture every week during term and submit written versions of at least ten lectures per year for deposit in the University Library. Notes from Newton's lectures on arithmetic and algebra were subsequently edited and published by his successor in the Lucasian chair, William Whiston, in 1707. A subsequent editor, the Dutch mathematician Willem 'sGravesande, later claimed that the book had been published without Newton's knowledge and much to his displeasure, a charge denied by Whiston, who wrote that Newton had indeed given his consent. De Morgan later commented wryly: "most likely it was both with his consent, and to his displeasure". His library contains five editions of Newton's Universal Arithmetick: three in Latin (1707, 1722, 1761) and two in English (1728, 1769).

Augustin-Louis Cauchy, Cours d'analyse de l'École royale polytechnique (Paris, 1821)

Cauchy was one of the most prolific mathematicians of all time, publishing nearly 800 papers over the course of his career. He was also one of the pioneers of "rigour" in mathematics, insisting on strict standards of proof, and laying the foundations of the area of mathematical analysis. These methods were disseminated via this book, based on lectures he gave at the prestigious École Polytechnique in Paris. De Morgan's copy contains a list of errata, apparently "in the handwriting of M. Cauchy" as well as a letter dated 26 May 1857 from his friend and fellow mathematical bibliophile Guglielmo Libri, informing him of "la mort de M. Cauchy" which had occurred three days earlier.

Adolph Frederik Marci, Uitvoerlige tafelen van de ondeelbaare of prim-getallen:van 1 tot 400000 (Amsterdam, 1772)

A rare book by an obscure Amsterdam bookkeeper; a Dutch attempt to obtain rigour in calculus. De Morgan's copy was a gift from another Dutchman and another man who, like De Morgan, was a mathematician with a fine mathematical library, David Bierens de Haan.

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